ProMedia Club Studio is built in to Produce and Promote by way of Multimedia graphics and presentations.
The Sovereignty of Mercy
A birthday present for Sir Nelson
Si Doc
PCC Teachers Conference
Pensacola Christian College Feeds Payatas
Umaapaw na Biyaya ng Diyos
Transformed to Perform
My God Is So Big
+63 933 277 9826
Video Editing
Web Design
3D Modeling
Motion Design
Photo Editing
Graphics Design
FBCA Website
M&PWF Retreat Documentation
Salem Estates Promotional
BIBC Fairview Ministries
Website Development

Just a liitle tip on how we made the picture
The Philippines Mission Team of
the Pensacola Christian College
From http://philippines.yomteams.org/
Win souls for Christ.
Support missionaries in their established ministries.
Develop a love for missions in the heart of each team member
Our team will spend about two weeks in the Philippines, where we will hold Bible clubs, distribute tracts, canvass for church services, and conduct evangelistic basketball and medical clinics. During our week in Manilla with Arvin and Ruth Tulabot, our team will assist with the various outreaches of Bethesda Independent Baptist Church. We will also participate in outreaches in the Payatas Landfill (dumpsite), where we will feed and present the Gospel to hundreds of children who live and scavange in this mountain of trash. We will then travel to Olongapo to work alongside Teddy and Ligaya Fulfer in the Subic Bay Children’s Home and the various outreaches of Subic Bay Baptist Church. One of the highlights of our trip will be spending time with the more than forty children who were rescued off the streets and are now growing up in the children's home.

Dec 29 2014. A Techie Generated Android was born and his name is Nico Thirdy.
Mr Greg and Lou Ozment
It's been so long since I've made a coverage video for a wedding occasion. This is just a special request of my wife's close friend. I love to do wedding videos but definitely not my type of media. Done in Sony Vegas Pro with light leak effects. With recorded voice audio as its background which framed its storyline. Music, words and random clips, making this presentation a memorable one.
- I'm going to switch rendering file type from .wmv to .mp4
IBMA Project 2020-300
Independent Baptist Mission for Asians Gideon 300 Project. I modeled the houses in Cinema 4D and animated it in After Effects with Element 3D Plugin. Though it may not be perfectly made since I found out I was using the wrong procedure in 3D modeling, atleast I achieved this animation test. Nice try though.
M&PWF Retreat 2013
This will be my 3rd coverage of the IBMA's Missionary and Pastors' Wives Fellowship. Though it feels so awkward to be in a group of ladies to cover them for a video, yet I enjoyed to be in different places where they travel. Being a part of their minstry as a media man is so much a pleasure for me. Well, it's where ProMedia Club's motto takes place, "Making moments a memory". I'll be expecting another coverage for this year's retreat in Bicol Region.
- Hey, I achieved the green screen effect (Chroma Key) in our second Film. Yeah!
Turned Around- VBS Payatas 2014
This is an annual ministry of the Bethesda Independent Baptist Church of Fairview Quezon City where almost 5000 children are fed during summer. It's usually a 3 day vacation schooling for children mostly in the slums and are given materials for their next school year. As a media personel, I found this a very interesting subject for ministry. Not only that I could see the status these children are in but also to be renewed with the experience brought in seeing their condition and helping them.
- Can someone donate me a license for VC Element 3D V2? I've been waiting for it for ages.

- If there could be a software that I've never referred to any tutorial aside from Vegas, that is photoshop. Everything is just a matter of getting familiar with the tools and of course, the touch of an artist. The next thing is understanding the elemental effects on the environment like light, shadows, hue, color relevance, etc. Another powerful adjustment used on the above photo are color correction and shadow/highlights. Here's the original version of the image I took... (Never mind my boxers)

meet the photographer...

Green Screen or Chroma key compositing, or chroma keying, is a special effects / post-production technique for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on color hues (chroma range). The technique has been used heavily in many fields to remove a background from the subject of a photo or video – particularly the newscasting, motion picture and videogame industries. A color range in the top layer is made transparent, revealing another image behind. The chroma keying technique is commonly used in video production and post-production.
- We are going to have an article at the ProMedia Club Creatives page about Chroma Keying, also. we will post a brief Movie effects breakdown on the movie "1 Life" later this month.

Sony PXW-X70 Professional video camera is truly a next level opportunity for us to broaden our experience and skill in videography.
Magkabilang Mundo- Jayson and Ann
I found this song to be so moving as the words describe how the distance affect someone's relationship. Anyways, she told me of the song to be dedicated to her husband in the U.S. studying for a Missionary Work. It's supposed to be a surprise presentation for him and it did. I've got nothing but pictures of them collected when they were still together. WIth no video clips on hand, I animated the pictures in after effects and made the 2D pictures to be in a 3D environment.
IBMA Project Nehemiah
Project Nehemiah is IBMA's flagship ministry of extending financial and technical assistance to affiliate local churches (municipal and barangay levels) in construction of small church buildings for their use. Funds for this project comes from the faith promise contribution of IBMA missionaries and local churches.
I'm keeping track of this ministry by covering it. Well, that's how ProMedia Club existed. Keeping the files and showing it through video presentations.
IBMA 1000 Voice Choir Intro:
Ang KasaySAYAn
Project Nehemiah is IBMA's flagship ministry of extending financial and technical assistance to affiliate local churches (municipal and barangay levels) in construction of small church buildings for their use. Funds for this project comes from the faith promise contribution of IBMA missionaries and local churches.
I'm keeping track of this ministry by covering it. Well, that's how ProMedia Club existed. Keeping the files and showing it through video presentations.
A Birthday Present for Sir Nelson
This video is created in Adobe After Effects CS6 with a simple arrangement of photos in 3D environment using camera animation. This technique shows how 2D pictures moves in 3D space by layering the same picture.

The Sovereignty of Mercy
This video is an entry for the 21st National Student Convention which shall be held in Cagayan de Oro City. Our video for the last year won the first place in the NSC and made it to be the second place in the International Student Convention in Missouri, USA.
I made this in Adobe After Effects CS6 and getting the most out of Video Copilot's product, the Element 3d plugin. First thing here is I am using a single image, cut it into pieces according to its distance, and spread them separately in different Z dimension (making it 3d). Next is I imported an obj/c4d file into the Element 3d plugin, setting up its particle look and animated it. Most of the files are already packed in the plugin itself like the liquid motion objects, colorizing it and spreading them around the composition. Using both techiniques already shows a simple but stunning animation wherever the 3d camera moves.
Element 3d is a great help for me in my next project which I should be creating in the same concept as this along with Optical flares and Trapcode Particular.

Making A Difference
PCC Teachers Conference 2013
"We're delighted to be back here at Tarlac Christian College. We appreciate the vision of Dr. Quizon to see the many many ministries he's been blessed with and we very proud of Dr Ruth Tulabot who is the second president of the college here. She's a graduate of Pensacola Christian College. We're so delighted to see how graduates from our college has influenced the lives of all people all the way in the Philippines. So we're very happy for that. We had a great time here in the Philippines. We appreciate all the works the people here has done for us. To lay the ground works that they can come to be assisting to them. One thing we appreciate is that the public school program they have here. It was very nice to go there and to show my team mates just to see all these little kids coming to them and to show them the gospel of Jesus Christ. We're very excited about that and we hope we can come back again to show the gospel to these little boys and girls. A lot of times, we in America forget the life and the hardships of the Filipinos. So we are all praying to come back to show them our love and hopefuly the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Alex Fulfer
Administrative Aide
Pensacola Christian College, FL

We thought of taking a picture with my buddies at my new house in Salem Estates. We are the "The First Settlers" who lodged in that house. "Matibay na Bahay, Panatag ang Buhay".

He wouldn't come out
This was my first cartoon animation I made a year ago using image silhouettes in After Effects.
After winning 1st place in the National Student Convention in Lingayen, Pangasinan, Bob Hughes Christian Academy grabs the 2nd place in the International Student Convention in Missouri USA. Congratulations!

The Magellan's Cross
5 Things We Wish We Knew Earlier:
Tips For Creatives and Creators
1. You're not limited to your field.
2. Every job we ever had were through
3. Write.
4. Its about you and your work, not how you
package it.
5. Don't take it personal.
Check out Video Copilot's Element 3d plugin for After Effects. Its a 3d based particle engine. For more details and tutorials, visit videocopilot.net.

This is a Graphic Pen Tablet. I'm gonna be using this for my cartoon animation project which I should be showing next summer. I purposed to buy a "Bamboo" brand but its a bit expensive so I picked an "XP-Pen" since all I have to be concerned with is just to get started and play around with its enhancements.

I am now moving to Salem Estates.
Matibay na bahay, panatag ang buhay!
For more info about Salem Estates please visit the website

Here are some of the "Deputation Videos" we made to help missionaries represent their ministries. These videos are not accessible since you can only view them by request and permission. Email us your request to jrmanlucot@yahoo.com so we can show you the video as soon as we are granted with the permission from the holder.

Si Doc
a Doctor Emmanuel T. Quizon special birthday presentation

Pensacola Christian College
Feeds Payatas
"We are so honored to have the team from PCC visit us again this year. Each time they come they are always a blessing because of the humble and servant spirit that they showed to our people. The are always willing and ready to do whatever was needed to meet the need from feeding the kids in the dump to singing and giving their testimonies and even speaking in the services and in the teachers' conference. Truly they represented the friendly and humble spirit that prevails at PCC. To the whole Student Body of PCC, we cannot thank you enough for all that you've done to our ministry. We'll just pray that the Lord will richly reward your big heart for missions. Thank you."
Dr. Ruth Tulabot
President, Tarlac Christian Collge

Umaapaw Na Biyaya
ng Diyos
DVBS Lagawe 2013
"Children are the flowers in the church and if children will be evangelize and turn to the Lord, we will be having a generation who fears God and serves Him. One of the unique ministry of this church is training young people through our Bible College and we always thank God that we are able to prepare them for the ministry that someday they will be sent out within and even outside the country."
Pastor Art Carpio
Bible-Believing Baptist Church
Lagawe, Ifugao
Transformed To Perform

"IBMA-NCR held its annual camp meeting with the aim to challenge the believers of their involvement in the ministries of their churches. This year's theme is "Transformed to Perform". Our prayer for these young people is for them to be productive and to be used by God in every ministry of their churches".
- Pastor Arvin Tulabot
Bethesda Independent Baptist Church
Fairview, Quezon City

My God is So Big
VBS Payatas 2013
Americans from Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio as well as Filipino Christians from Manila and different provinces united in fulfilling the goal of teaching the Gospel tot he 5000 residents of the dump. This year's VBS was held in 3 different public schools; the Promised Land Elementary School, the Payatas B Elementary School, and the Payatas C Elementary School. More than 2000 students were enrolled in each of the 2 weeks. The total attendance of the VBS was 5, 025. Another 1, 000 children will attend in June during the extension of the VBS at Promised Land Elementary School.,