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We're back!
- Calling all film makers from TCC Junior High to College.
- Create you own Production team composed of a producer, writer and a director.
- The short film should be a 10-minute length video presentation.
- This year's theme is "WE SURVIVED: a pancademic journey".
- Video should be rendered in .mp4 format in full HD 1080p.
- Submission of Production Team entries and screenplay synopsis will be on March 11, 2022.
- Submission of the complete rendered film will be on April 8, 2022.
- Team members can be composed of students from different grade levels and sections where you can recruit your actors and editors.
- Submission of team entries along with the synopsis of your screenplay is until March 11, 2022.
Production Crew:
- A PRODUCER is the person responsible for finding and launching a project; arranging financing financing; hiring writers, a director, and key members of the creative team; and overseeing all elements of pre-production, production and post-production, right up to release.
- The DIRECTOR manages and directs all the creative elements and components of a film. Their main duties include reading and adding edits to scripts, setting the blocking for Actors and collaborating with Editors during post-production to create a visually appealing and captivating final product.
- SCREENWRITERS write and develop screenplays for film. They do this either based on an original idea or by adapting an existing story into a screenplay.